Somatic Breathwork™

Jessica is a certified Somatic Breathwork™ Practitioner. Please connect for more information on private 1:1 sessions, small or large private or public group sessions, and corporate retreats, seminars, or events.

It's Okay to Feel


It's Okay to Feel -

Somatic Breathwork™ is an embodiment experience that takes you out of your thinking mind and into your body’s electrical network. It lets you release unneeded energy within this network caused by repeating thoughts, feelings, and old narratives by discharging it out through your body.

Your nervous system is the electrical network of your being. Over time, unresolved trauma or chronic stress causes dis-regulation of this network. When dis-regulated, difficulties in your personal or professional life arise. When you heal trauma and stress, you heal the electrical network of your nervous system. When you heal the nervous system, you heal the emotional self so your authentic self can emerge.

Somatic Breathwork™ employs circular connected breathing coupled with rhythmic music to produce a cathartic emotional release. This release may be in the form of moving, shaking, yelling, crying, or laughing. Using the breath, you will engage your innate ability to heal and sweep out any defenses, blockages, restrictions, or pains that hold you back from who you are and how you want to show up in this world.

**Please create a private, comfortable place for you to lie down on the ground where you will not be disturbed by other people, pets, or phones for the full length of the session (~90 minutes). Use a yoga mats or blankets under your body. Have a water bottle and perhaps a journal nearby.


Somatic Breathwork™ is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for persons with:

-cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack

-high blood pressure


-retinal detachment


-history of seizures


-major psychiatric conditions

-recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy

-persons who are pregnant

**If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your physician(s).

**Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their physician(s).

Founder of SBW™

“My purpose in life is to liberate people from the stress & overwhelm that lies unprocessed in our body so that we become free in our mind. I believe there is an exact correlation between our physical vitality and mental health. If we want to improve the quality of our lives we MUST address both. SBW™ has been the most powerful modality I have found that has truly created a lasting change for my clients, community and the world. We are changing the paradigm of Mind-Body Health. Are you ready to join me?”

It's okay to feel.™

-Steven Jaggers